Space Probe 2014
A model, based on a Voyager space probe, travels slowly across a warehouse ceiling, encountering various celestial phenomena, cobbled together from banal materials (rubber bands, cat fur, upholstery stuffing, a board used on my drill press). The probe contains a miniature, live-feeding video camera that transmits the images back to a flat screen TV. Viewers wander back and forth between the sculptural installation and the video image at mission control. One of the 'phenomena" is a turn-table that is playing side 1 of Brian Eno's Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks, providing a suitably atmospheric and spacy, live-feed sound track.

Space Probe 2014
A model, based on a Voyager space probe, travels slowly across a warehouse ceiling, encountering various celestial phenomena, cobbled together from banal materials (rubber bands, cat fur, upholstery stuffing, a board used on my drill press). The probe contains a miniature, live-feeding video camera that transmits the images back to a flat screen TV. Viewers wander back and forth between the sculptural installation and the video image at mission control. One of the 'phenomena" is a turn-table that is playing side 1 of Brian Eno's Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks, providing a suitably atmospheric and spacy, live-feed sound track.