Dumb Bell 2022
(originally part of Strange Fruit from 1993 )
This heavy, drop-shaped, fabric vessel hangs beneath the bell tower hatchway, vaguely imitating the church bell that is no longer there. It is mute, and has a solemn animal-like presence. It speaks of the body through its mass, the pull of gravity and its pure physicality. The bell tower room is old, dim and dusty, and feels forlorn and neglected, infusing this object with a sense of sadness and loss.
152 x 131 x 122m

Dumb Bell 2022
(originally part of Strange Fruit from 1993 )
This heavy, drop-shaped, fabric vessel hangs beneath the bell tower hatchway, vaguely imitating the church bell that is no longer there. It is mute, and has a solemn animal-like presence. It speaks of the body through its mass, the pull of gravity and its pure physicality. The bell tower room is old, dim and dusty, and feels forlorn and neglected, infusing this object with a sense of sadness and loss.
152 x 131 x 122m